Penquis/Maine News
Penquis Beekeepers and Maine State Beekeeping News
Interested in Joining Penquis Beekeeping Club?
You can download a membership application by clicking here.
Our Community Hives Win the 2023 Penquis Beekeepers Annual Honey Tasting Contest
Even though it was an "interesting" year, and very wet, our community hives at the Sherburn Memorial Gardens did pretty well. We were even able to draw honey from one of the hives. Our president entered it without any members knowing whose it was or where it was from. It ended up being the club favorite and won in our honey tasting contest. It was a very satisfying finish to the beekeeping season at the community hives.
Congratulations to our 2023 MEMBERS OF THE YEAR
We held our second annual "Members of the Year" award, with nominations and voting carried out through online surveys.
Antoinette (Toni) Demers won "New Member of the Year" for her enthusiasm, involvement, and contributions to lively meeting discussions.
Ron Richards was selected as the "Beekeeping Mentor of the Year" for his patience and diligence in helping our members with assistance and advice in their beekeeping endeavors.
At our annual meeting and potluck dinner, the winners are presented with "official" certificates to commemorate their win, and each receives a $25 gift certificate to the beekeeping supply vendor of their choice.
Not everybody is "on Facebook", but the Penquis Beekeepers are now. If you have a facebook account, check us out at
The annual Maine beekeeper survey of losses and management practices is online at the DACF Apiary Program website (in the right-hand column under "Beekeeper Survey"). Gathering this type of data is important for seeing trends, recognizing when and how losses occur, and determining where to focus education/outreach activities in the future. All Maine beekeepers are encouraged to participate in the annual survey period (which starts again in April)
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Honeybee Program
If you are interested in beekeeping in Maine, whether commercially or as a "backyard beekeeper", you'll want to check out the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) Apiary (Honeybee) Program. Everything from licensing requirements, to education, to requesting help from the Maine State Apiarist, along with links to resources and valuable beekeeping information is available there. Be sure to check it out.
Maine Bee Forage Information
Here are items on bee and pollinator habitat, and habits, that could help you keep your hives strong!
Consider Joining the Maine State Beekeepers Assocation (MSBA)
Hands-down THE place to be if you want to be part of the Maine beekeeping community, and to learn and share with people of all levels of expertise and experience.